The TOP ELIMINATOR DRAGSTERS® ride is a unique amusement experience. It offers riders the chance to drive a drag racing car in an exciting racing environment that combines competition and skill with a thrilling drag race experience. This is a “one-of-a-kind” attraction that gives customers of all ages the opportunity to experience the adrenaline-charged excitement of drag racing, with its positive and negative ‘g’ forces.

Competition is a key element in the attraction, as driver reaction time will determine the winner of each race. The competition element adds to customer excitement, satisfaction and enjoyment which, in turn, results in repeat business.

Safety is paramount; all our products are built to comply with ADIPS (Amusement Device Inspection Procedures Scheme) and the FJAC Guidelines (Fairgrounds and Amusement Parks Joint Advisory Committee.) All bespoke projects can also be designed and developed to specific requirements, for example Building and Electrical Standards, and all essential paperwork can be supplied alongside the finished product. Our ground-breaking designs can be tailored to suit your brief and exact requirements.

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